How to Manage IBS and Anxiety With Lifestyle and Nutrition

  April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month, a month dedicated to IBS diagnosis, treatment and overall improvement in quality of life. IBS is a functional disorder of the gut where the gastrointestinal system does not function as it should. It is not curable, making dealing with IBS management a lifelong issue. For people […]

Foods That Support Healthy Vision – Everyday Superfoods for Your Eyes

It’s time to think more about our eye health this month since March is Save Your Vision Month, the American Optometric Association’s annual campaign to remind the public to take care of their eyes to prevent future vision problems. Eye health not only includes annual eye exams but also screen time considerations, sunlight protection, and […]

Kefir: The Cultured Dairy Beverage You Should Be Drinking

Confused about the buzz around dairy and whether you should consume it or not? With concerns about lactose intolerance and claims that dairy can increase inflammation, it’s no wonder people are advocating against it. But it’s not always so black and white – in fact, cultured (or fermented) dairy is particularly beneficial. It can often […]

Kefir Vs. Yogurt: What You Need to Know and Why They’re Not the Same

Kefir and yogurt are both cultured dairy products, but don’t be fooled… they’re not the same! While both are cultured, Lifeway Kefir contains more probiotics and is fermented for a longer period of time, resulting in a higher count of colony-forming units (CFU) – and by a landslide. Some commercial yogurts don’t actually contain probiotics […]

The Benefits of Kefir for Skin Health + DIY Kefir Face Mask Recipes

How Kefir Can Benefit Skin Health For skin health, kefir is good for you both inside and out.  Let us explain… Emerging research shows that our gut and skin have a two-way communication (gut-skin axis) to help keep our skin healthy. When our gut microbiome is in a state of imbalance or distress, an appropriate […]

How Fermented Foods Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

  Keeping blood sugar levels stable and healthy can be a concern for many people, even for those who have not been diagnosed with diabetes, an autoimmune disorder that affects millions worldwide. Managing blood sugar levels and preventing up and down spikes is vital to feeling your best and avoiding potential health issues. Stable blood sugars help […]

The Importance of Protein in the Human Diet

Most of us think about protein as a muscle-building nutrient that keeps our bodies strong and healthy, but protein does many things in our body way beyond just helping build muscle and aid in post-workout recovery. It’s a component of every cell and is involved in everything from blood sugar regulation to a healthy mood […]

5 Important Things to Know if You or a Loved One Has Celiac Disease

  Celiac Disease is something you may or not have heard of with the recent boom in “gluten-free” products, benefits, and individuals testifying they feel better when they don’t eat sources of gluten. Others are able to eat gluten with no side effects, and in the proper whole grain form, whole grain wheat, barley, and […]