While they’re not in season just yet, we couldn’t pass up the bright boxes of strawberries we saw at the store earlier this week. Maybe it’s a longing for sunny days and warmer weather, but before we even reached the office, our culinary team was chowing down on this summertime classic.
We’ve Got a Strawberry Crush
Taste aside (and the fact that today is National Strawberry Day – what a coincidence!?), strawberries are more than just the epitome of summer. They’re nutrient rich, full of antioxidants, and thanks the their high concentration of vitamin C, have been show to help support immunity. It makes more sense then, of course, to eat them with kefir!
Studies have show that compounds in strawberries help fight inflammation, regulate blood pressure, and aid in supporting healthy weight. What’s more, they’ve long been touted as a beauty secret, thought to fight wrinkles and brighten skin. In short, they’re a food we like to all “super.” Strawberries also contain an anti-aging components known to fight memory loss, loss of collagen in the skin, and more.
Add them to a smoothie, spread them with Farmer Cheese or use them as a topping on fabulously frozen kefir, no matter how you enjoy them, strawberries are a great addition to any healthy diet. Good fresh and frozen, peak season for strawberries is April through June, so be on the look out and stock up while you can!
We love strawberries so much; we created a variety of strawberry kefir flavors! Check them out, you won’t be disappointed – we promise!
Strawberry Organic Low-Fat Kefir
Strawberry Organic Non-fat Kefir
Strawberry Organic Whole Milk Kefir
Strawberry Organic Grassfed Whole Milk Kefir
Strawberry Functional 3.5 ounce Organic Low-Fat Kefir Shots