Lifeway Community

Lifeway Kefir: Good for the Environment

By now we hope you’ve seen our commercial that shares our new brand message: Lifeway Kefir is good for more than just you. We’re excited for this new chapter of the Lifeway story; you know Lifeway Kefir is good for you, but there are a good deal more things Lifeway Kefir is good for. One that we’re extremely […]

Probiotic Kefir Smoothie Bowl

  For many, January is the beginning of resolution season, and resolution season means smoothie season. Green smoothies, purple smoothies, fruit smoothies, vegetable smoothies – smoothies of all kinds (with a base of kefir, of course). We surely love smoothies in the Lifeway kitchen, but sometimes we miss eating our breakfast/lunch with utensils. When we’re […]

Ringing in a 2015 That’s Good for More Than Just You

On behalf of the entire Lifeway family, we want to send a big thank you to all of the organizations that celebrated with us as we rang the NASDAQ opening bell on Tuesday and kicked off our new campaign. Even more, we want to shine a spotlight on their collective actions that provide much needed […]

Traditional Foods for a Healthy Wealthy New Year

Lifeway Kefir is a traditional Eastern European food that has been consumed for thousands of years. As the New Year approaches, we couldn’t resist staying true to our roots and getting a little superstitious and sharing some of our favorite New Year’s Day food traditions, along with their meanings. Whether you’re one to follow tradition […]

Lifeway’s Favorite Blog Posts: 2014

The year is drawing to a close and at Lifeway, we’re looking back on everything we’ve seen, made, experience and tried. From music festivals and food shows, to non-profit cooperation and kitchen creations, we’ve definitely had an exciting year. While we have a lot of really cool things planned for next year (surprises we’re struggling […]

Post-holiday Tummy Taming Smoothie

  The morning after a night of celebratory eating and drinking can be rough. Rich, greasy, heavy and sugary foods can wreak havoc on your stomach, digestive system and overall mood. Relief is on it’s way our Kefir Tummy Taming Smoothie. Full of ingredients that are help support regularity, like kefir, ginger and melon, it’s […]

Last-Minute Holiday Recipes

Did you bite of a bit more than you can chew this holiday season? Don’t worry, we’ve been there. Between work parties, family activities, our daily commitments and sleep (which we’re getting way less of recently), there’s little time left for planning a dinner party, let alone prepping and hosting one. We’ve got you covered […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally

This time of year, we could all use a little more energy, right? The days are dark and cold, there are endless after work/school engagements, and as much as you want to believe the extra cookies you’re eating are going to fuel your workout, they’re actually throwing your metabolism way out of whack. But before […]

How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

Days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping and invitations are flooding in left and right. Clearly, the holiday season is in full swing! With the rise in cheer and celebration also comes the rise in aches, pains and overall weariness – cold season is also here. Oh, the dreaded cold! The saboteur of festive fun […]

Penne with Vegetables and Kefir Tomato Sauce

Are the cold temps, short days and countless holiday commitments leaving you uninspired at the end of the day? We’ve been there! This time of year, it can be an achievement just to put the laundry away. But don’t head for the frozen food section just yet – a healthy, comforting and delicious meal can […]