Lifeway Community

Healthy Snacks that Boost Your Mood

  Have you ever felt that wave of bliss after enjoying a good meal? You’re not alone: the foods you eat not only contribute to your overall health, but they can improve your mood, too. If you’re looking to put some pep in your step consider adding some of these good mood foods to your diet: Dark Chocolate […]

What’s New at Lifeway!

We’ve been hard at work developing some amazing new ways to #LoveYourGuts! It’s perfect timing, too. The global probiotics market is expected to reach $57.4 billion by 2022. We’re excited to be at the forefront with our new lines of tasty, accessible, and nutritious products for the whole family. Check out what’s new below.   Introducing […]

Bring on Spring: How to Handle Seasonal Allergies

Spring means the return of warm weather, but it also means the start of allergy season. From the sniffles to itchy eyes, headaches to asthma and beyond, seasonal allergies affect millions of people every year. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in […]

Recipe Round-Up: Pi Day Edition

Celebrate Pi Day with our best recipes for pie-inspired kefir smoothie recipes and kefir-ized tarts! Check out our favorites below, then whip one up for yourself. After all, you deserve it! Wildberry Pie Smoothie   An immune-boosting tart and tangy smoothie with a luxurious blend of antioxidant-rich berries and probiotics. It’s a treat for Pi Day that your […]

New Lifeway Products, Beautiful New Booth, and More at Expo West 2017

We’ll be at Expo West 2017 this weekend with TWO booths, yes count ’em – TWO, to showcase our new products. Come find us at our completely revamped showcase booth #3838 in the natural and specialty foods section and #1781 in the supplements section. And get excited because we’ll be presenting our new Lifeway Elixir beverage […]

Have a Healthy Breakfast for National School Breakfast Week!

It’s National School Breakfast Week, a campaign to increase student participation in school breakfast programs! Here at Lifeway, we can’t think of a better way to start the day than with a healthy and hearty breakfast. We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – and it truly is. Eating breakfast is linked to increased energy, improved concentration, a healthier weight, and better grades. Unfortunately, 8-12% of school age students skip breakfast, increasing to as much as 30% once they reach adolescence.

Introducing Lifeway Elixir: Your New Favorite Organic, Sparkling Probiotic Beverage

We’re excited to announce the release of our brand new Lifeway Elixir, a tasty organic, non-dairy, probiotic sparkling beverage that’s low in calories. It’s refreshing, delicious, and functional. We’re so proud of the great-tasting, low-sugar, healthy concept we’ve created, thanks in part to customer feedback — if you’re reading this, we love you!   We’ll be previewing our new […]

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2017

March 8th, International Women’s Day, is celebrated worldwide in recognition and support of women and their many contributions to society. Here at Lifeway, we know first-hand that institutions and companies thrive when women have opportunities to contribute their insights, perspectives, and compassion. We all reap the benefits when women participate and shine. Here’s a list of some organizations you can support that empower women and give them opportunities to accomplish amazing things.