Lifeway Community

7 Ways To Keep Your Gut Healthy When You Have Diabetes

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, with November 14th marked as World Diabetes Day. It’s a month and day to bring public health awareness efforts and initiatives for those living with diabetes or for those who may be at risk.  Afterall, it affects about 37 million Americans (both adults and youth), and 537 million adults […]

‘Biotics…What’s in the Name?

Fermented foods, fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics are foods and terms that often come to mind when it comes to microbiome gut health. But now a more recent term is making the rounds, called postbiotics. Then add synbiotics into the mix and these terms can get confusing, not to mention tongue-twisters. Prebiotics. Probiotics. Postbiotics. Synbiotics. Here’s […]

#SummerHarvest Smoothie Collection

Feeling adventurous? Explore the #SummerHarvest tag to see all the amazing smoothie creations our community shared in July! Then you can make your own version and tag us in your #SummerSmoothie. Summer Harvest Smoothie by vindiskitchen Recipe: 1 cup baby spinach ½ cup cucumber, diced ½ avocado halved, pitted, and peeled ¼ cup fresh blueberries […]

National Pecan Pie Day Recipe Collection

Go nuts this National Pecan Pie Day with one of our yummy recipes! Which pecan kefir recipe do you choose? Share your creations with us on social by tagging @LifewayKefir and using the hashtags #LoveYourGuts and  #MadeWithLifeway.   Pecan & Oat Smoothie Our Pecan & Oat Smoothie takes on the energy of loving abundance, giving […]

Kefir – A Perfect Workout Recovery Drink

The secret to a great workout or competing successfully in an athletic event may come down to the foods you choose. When it comes to avoiding fatigue and performing better at the next event or workout, a focus on nutritional pre- and post-activity is a key component to success. Proper recovery foods and beverages (within […]

Which Kefir Pop Would You Choose?

Nothing is impopsicle when you have kefir! Which frozen kefir pop do you choose? Let us know by making at home and tagging us on social! Cherry Kefir Pops You should get here as soon as popsicle! These healthy Cherry Popsicles are going fast! If you can’t get here soon enough, you can make them […]

Which Frozen Kefir Would You Choose?

Choose the flavor you are craving! All of these frozen kefir recipes are no-churn and probitoic.  Strawberry Basil Frozen Kefir Celebrate any occasion with a scoop of our Strawberry Basil Frozen Kefir. It’s a creamy, naturally sweet treat that tastes like the fresh flavors of a summer garden. Buttered Popcorn Frozen Kefir We captured the […]

Which Kefir Smoothie Would You Choose?

Which kefir smoothie do you choose? Strawberry Matcha Drink Skip the long wait at the drive-thru and make your own Strawberry Matcha Drink. We whipped up a gut-healthy version with creamy strawberry kefir. Start by pouring a blend of strawberries, ice, and strawberry kefir halfway into a glass, then layer with matcha latte on top. […]

Debunking the Myth: Dairy and Inflammation

Cutting out dairy to reduce inflammation seems to be a current trend, but one that is misunderstood and, perhaps, detrimental to one’s health. The truth is unless you have a true milk protein allergy, research suggests that dairy is likely not the cause of inflammation in your body. In fact, consuming dairy and fermented dairy […]

Health Expert EJ Okolo on Fitness & Nutrition

EJ Okolo is a fitness trainer at Train Elite in Philadelphia. As part of the Lifeway IG Live Self-care Sessions, EJ energizes the Lifeway community with his high-intensity workouts and passion. His career in fitness began in high school sports and he’s enriched his personal training career by studying health science and exercise physiology at […]