Lifeway Community

New at Lifeway: Whole Milk Kefir with Real Fruit Puree

  Say hello to the latest lineup in the Lifeway family: whole milk kefir with real fruit puree. Each 32-oz bottle is blended with creamy full-fat milk and real fruit puree. Inspired by her annual summer trips to the local berry farm with her daughters, our CEO Julie wanted to share the wholesome and fresh […]

Kefir Vs Yogurt: Which one is healthier?

What exactly is the difference between kefir and yogurt? They both start out as milk, they’re both fermented, and they’re both tart and tangy — yet they’re completely different products. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest differences between kefir vs yogurt. For starters, kefir has 12 different strains of live and active cultures and […]

Happy Holidays with Eggnog Kefir!

Eggnog Low Fat Kefir is back on shelves! Check the below list to see if Eggnog Kefir can be found near you.   If you’re still having a hard time finding it near you, you can always use our Product Request Form and request it at your local grocery or health food store. Acme Big […]

Cinnamon: Superfood Spotlight

Cinnamon is a readily available spice that has been used since ancient Egyptian times for incense and cooking. Portuguese traders first discovered it in Sri Lanka, keeping it a secret for centuries to protect their supply. Research on this warming spice has found that it may help support in stabilizing blood sugar levels and reducing […]

Pumpkin: Superfood Spotlight

Pumpkin season has arrived and now our favorite shops are filled with the aroma of pumpkin spice and all things autumn. A savory obsession that brings back memories and inspires us to create new ones. Celebrate National Pumpkin Day (October 26th) by tossing on a sweater and heading to a pumpkin patch! This is the time of the year where orange really is the new black.

Figs: Superfood Spotlight

Figs give us a taste of the past. With their sweet, tangy flavor and smooth yet crunchy texture, they are considered one of the oldest fruits, grown over 11,400 years ago. Eating and cooking this ancient superfood is like enjoying a piece of history and legend.

Ensalada de Elote y Queso Granjero

Mejore su próximo almuerzo con los audaces sabores de esta picante ensalada de maíz . Agregamos nuestro Queso Granjero de alta proteína para obtener una versión cremosa pero saludable y lleno de probióticos. Ingredientes ½ taza de Farmer Cheese 2 tazas de maíz 1 aguacate entero, cortado ½ taza de cebolla verde ½ taza de pimiento rojo, […]

Tomatoes: Superfood Spotlight

Tomatoes are one of the world’s most consumed fruits and can be used for a variety of different dishes. Originally grown by the Aztecs in Mexico, they became popular in the America’s during the 19th century. This humble fruit is not only sweet and tart, but nutrient-dense and packed with a variety of minerals and […]

Asparagus: Superfood Spotlight

Of the endless delicious and healthy summer produce we can talk about, asparagus is at the top of our list. Whether it’s because of the veggie’s nutrition benefits or distinctive earthy flavor, we can’t get enough of it. Asparagus emerges each spring after the ground defrosts, its massive root system gives it the strength to grow around six inches a day.

New ProBugs Are Here! Now with 12 Probiotics and a Refreshed Pouch

When our founder Michael Smolyansky was still with us, he and our CEO Julie would often discuss the need for a kids product. They knew kids needed probiotics. They knew kids loved kefir. They just needed some kid-friendly flavors and packaging. In April of 2002, Julie had an epiphany that led to the creation of […]