Lifeway Community

Exercise That’s Good for More Than Just You

We know that regular exercise is crucial to long term health. It’s up there with complete nutrition and sleep, in terms of things you just have to do. During the cold winter months, it’s easy to tell ourselves, “not today, it’s time to hibernate.” Fortunately, winter has moved out and spring is here to stay (for […]

Drink Your Colors with Kefir: Ruby Red Strawberries

At Lifeway, our favorite time of year is always spring – when the weather gets warmer, the days get longer and the rain starts pouring. You read that right, we love rain. Why? Well, like the old adage says, with April showers come May flowers. More precisely, May produce. We love spring because it means we […]

What is Food Safety Day?

Did you know that there are more than 200 different diseases that are caused by unsafe food – food containing harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, chemical substances? Or that there are estimated to be more than two million deaths from contaminated drinking water every year? That food safety can be compromised on every level of food […]

Gas Attack: What to Eat to Avoid Bloat

  Ever wondered why some foods cause more bloating than others?  If you’ve ever experienced excess flatulence or bloating, you know it can be extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant.  While it might feel like gas tends to come at the most inconvenient times, there are a few things you can do to recognize why it happens […]

Strained Kefir French Onion Dip with Caramelized Onions

Ah, French onion dip. There’s something special about this ubiquitous dip. Whether you’re used to seeing it on a summer picnic table or served with chips while watching a game, few people haven’t had a taste of this not-so-traditional dip. Homemade, from a box or in a tub, everyone knows what French Onion Dip is. […]

Colorectal Cancer Month

Before you skip over this blog post because you think colon cancer only happens to older people, here us out. A new JAMA Surgery study found that while overall rates of colorectal cancer have been dropping by about one percent a year since the mid-80s, they’ve actually increased among people ages 20-34. Even worse, it’s more likely […]

Lifeway’s Favorite Spring Recipes

It’s officially spring and while that doesn’t mean the snow is done, it does mean our spring wardrobe is coming out, and so are our favorite spring recipes! The doldrums of winter are slowly rolling out and in their wake are mounds of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs for us to play with. New snacks, […]

#QuantumParty to Support Whole Planet Foundation starts tomorrow!

The Quantum Collective Southwest Invasion is this weekend and we couldn’t be more ready. With the winter weather is still hanging on in our hometown of Chicago, we’re looking forward to a sunny weekend of music, art and, of course, kefir! Lifeway and Quantum Collective’s Southwest Invasion The Quantum Collective is an innovative music marketing company that […]

Julie Smolyansky: 2015 Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum

Heartfelt congratulations to Lifeway President and CEO Julie Smolyansky on her acceptance in the 2015 class of Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum, a select community of leaders who share a commitment to shaping the global future and work tirelessly to make the world a better place. Julie has long been an advocate […]

Lifeway Kefir: Good for our Community

Continuing our exploration of how Lifeway Kefir is good for more than just you, we’re excited to share more information with you about our work with nonprofit organizations. Charitable Partnerships are a cornerstone to the Lifeway Mission. All over the world, selfless, dedicated people are doing great things with very little. Lives are saved, burdens […]