Healthy Living

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

We’ve reached the third and final week of our series, Spring Clean Your Diet with’s Amie Valpone! If you missed parts one and two, check them out here and here. In part one of our series we took a look at the word “detox” and its actual meaning: A process or period of time in which […]

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

We’re back with part two in our three part Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone series. Amie is a good friend of ours and author of the new book Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation and Reset Your Body. If you missed part one of the series, check it out here. […]

Snack to It: 3 Healthy Dip Recipes to Satisfy Cravings

After a long day of work or school, it’s all too easy to find comfort in and fill your belly with salty snacks and sweet treats. Whether it’s candy or chips, cookies or soda, indulging too much in processed foods can leave you feeling guilty, irritable, anxious and jittery. This of course, can lead you […]

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

When you hear the word, “detox,” what are the first things to come to your mind? Juice cleanses? Strict diets composed purely of vegetables? Hunger and restrictive eating? A quick way to lose weight?   So called detox diets and cleanses are undoubtedly popular, as more and more people look for ways to look and […]

Spring Clean Your Kitchen for a Healthy, Wealthy Season

While the weather here in Chicago still can’t make up its mind what season it is, the beginning of March signals for many that spring is on its way.   If you’re like many of the members of the Lifeway team, winter means hunkering down, bundling up and bracing yourself for weeks on end of […]

Kefir + Peanut Butter: National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day

Today is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day – a day that doesn’t just celebrate the wonders of our favorite lunchtime legume, but allows all peanut butter lovers to openly express their adoration for an inexpensive, versatile and delicious meal staple.   Rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber and a slew of other essential vitamins and […]

Your Teeth on Kefir: Probiotics for Dental Health

For many people, February is the month of love. Not only is it the American Heart Association’s Heart Month, but everyone’s favorite love fest (also known as Valentine’s Day) falls smack dab in the middle. It’s subsequent celebration gives us a break from the winter blues with boxes of dark chocolate (for heart health, of […]

Heart Strong with Kefir: Healthy for Life

This week, as part of our coverage of American Heart Month, we’re tackling the topic of kids and heart health. Childhood is a time to run and play, to sleep long hours, to be stress-free. Unfortunately, today’s kids tend to spend more time on their tech gadgets than the jungle gym. Academic pressure has them […]

5 Superfood Ingredients for Sensational Smoothies

In a world always on the lookout for shortcuts to a healthy life, the term “superfood” is thrown around without any real definition. While it’s true that some natural foods have qualities that make them stand out of a crowd, the truth is that now food, no matter how great, is the cure-all of a […]

Heart Strong with Kefir: Women and Heart Health

If you think only older men have heart attacks, think again. Heart disease is a serious threat to people of all ages and genders, and women are actually far more likely to die from heart disease than they are from all forms of cancer combined. A shocking one in three women will succumb to heart […]