Search Results for "perfect 12"

Cranberry Crème Brûlée is back!

One of our Holiday favorites is back on shelves! Check the below list to see if Cranberry Crème Brûlée Kefir can be found near you.   If you’re still having a hard time finding it near you, you can always use our Product Request Form and request it at your local grocery or health food […]

Katie Sampayo’s Strawberry Coconut Overnight Oats

Katie Sampayo, #1 Bestselling Author of Eat to Thrive: The Anti-Diet Cookbook, shares with us her Strawberry Coconut Overnight Oats recipe. Be sure to head to her website for more tasty recipes and great health tips! + + + Oats are a staple for me. I eat them EVERYDAY for breakfast. They’re loaded with fiber and healthy […]

Kale: Superfood Spotlight

Kale is everywhere these days. Tossed in salads, sautéed, blended into smoothies, roasted into chips – this superfood has become a classic choice! A leafy green veggie, kale’s earthy flavor is the perfect accent to any meal. Varieties of Kale: Curly: bright dark green or purple in color, has tight ruffled leaves. This kale is […]

Ginger Pear Smoothie Bowl

Naturally sweet and packed with greens, this Ginger Pear Smoothie is perfect for a morning boost or an evening detox. The healthy fats found in avocado are crucial for brain development, linked to lower blood pressure, and may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. You can read more about their amazing health benefits […]

Coconut: Superfood Spotlight

Coconuts have a way of reminding us of long vacations, walks on the beach, hula dancing, and tropical drinks. From a family vacation in Hawaii to a yoga retreat in Sri Lanka, coconuts connect us to the culture we immerse ourselves in. This hearty fruit is a not only a refreshing treat but also a […]

Peanut Butter Kefir Smoothie

This Peanut Butter Kefir Smoothie is not only easy to make, it’s also our first dog friendly recipe! Perfect for you and your furry best friend to share, we recommend using only plain kefir (nonfat, lowfat, or whole milk) and all-natural peanut butter with no added sugar or salt. The Benefits When given in moderation, peanut […]

Dragon Fruit: Superfood Spotlight

Dragons might not be real but this fruit sure is. Known for its hardy pink skin and its unique seed-speckled flesh, dragon fruit tastes like a mix between a kiwi and pear with a slight crunchiness.   Beautiful and vibrant on the outside, its inside is where the magic resides. Dragon fruit is packed with many […]

Turmeric: Superfood Spotlight

    Long, hot summer days always get us in the mood for all things bright, vibrant, and spicy – especially if they help give us that healthy glow! Meet your new favorite superfood: turmeric. Lauded for its close relative to ginger, this vibrant root is the quintessential ingredient in many Middle Eastern dishes like curry, soup, and rice. Many different […]

Sopa de Pepino y Aguacate

Rerescante, cremoso y lleno de fibra, nuestro sopa probiótico de pepino, albahaca y calabacitas es una opción de sopa para el verano y va perfecto con trozos de pan caliente. Ingredientes ¾ de taza de Plain Lifeway Kefir 2 calabacitas sin semilla y picadas 3 pepinos, sin semilla y picado 4 cebollitas de cambray picadas ½ […]

Aguacate Relleno de Pico De Gallo y Kéfir

La acidez del pico de gallo combina con el sabor cremoso del aguacate y kéfir en una manera perfecta para agregar sabor y probióticos. Es una receta fácil de hacer y está llena de sabor. tamaño de la porción: 4 Ingredientes 1 tomate cortado en cuadros pequeños ½ cebolla picada 1 cebolla verde picadas ½ pimiento jalapeño, sin […]