Recipe Round-Up: 4th of July

  Independence Day is the perfect excuse to gather friends and family and fire up the grill! Sure, hot dogs and hamburgers are always delicious, but we think they’re a little boring. Luckily we’ve got some ideas to spice up your patriotic festivities. Check out our favorite summertime recipes featuring kefir below. Seamus Mullen’s Grilled Chicken […]

Chef Tips: Breakfast On-The-Go

Today’s post and recipe comes from our friend Seamus Mullen, an award-winning chef, restaurateur, cookbook author, and leading authority in the conversation on food, health and wellness.


Life is busy. We never seem to have enough time: to cook, relax, or complete all the little errands that are constantly accumulating on our “to-do” lists. Eating a healthy breakfast is a small but effective way to set your day on the right track. Unfortunately, breakfast often ends up taking a backseat or is completely sacrificed because of our lack of time. While I may not be able to gift you extra hours in the day, I may be able to help you better organize your breakfast so you can spend less time in the kitchen and still have a filling and healthy meal.

Sopa de Pepino y Aguacate

Rerescante, cremoso y lleno de fibra, nuestro sopa probiótico de pepino, albahaca y calabacitas es una opción de sopa para el verano y va perfecto con trozos de pan caliente. Ingredientes ¾ de taza de Plain Lifeway Kefir 2 calabacitas sin semilla y picadas 3 pepinos, sin semilla y picado 4 cebollitas de cambray picadas ½ […]

Made with Lifeway: Spring 2017 Recipe Book

Now that warm weather and sunny days have arrived, it’s the perfect time to hit the refresh button on your diet. To help get you on a healthy track, we’ve created an array of fresh, healthy recipes all featuring Lifeway products. Our Made with Lifeway collection of eBooks serve as a reminder of how versatile […]

Have a Healthy Breakfast for National School Breakfast Week!

It’s National School Breakfast Week, a campaign to increase student participation in school breakfast programs! Here at Lifeway, we can’t think of a better way to start the day than with a healthy and hearty breakfast. We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – and it truly is. Eating breakfast is linked to increased energy, improved concentration, a healthier weight, and better grades. Unfortunately, 8-12% of school age students skip breakfast, increasing to as much as 30% once they reach adolescence.

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2017

March 8th, International Women’s Day, is celebrated worldwide in recognition and support of women and their many contributions to society. Here at Lifeway, we know first-hand that institutions and companies thrive when women have opportunities to contribute their insights, perspectives, and compassion. We all reap the benefits when women participate and shine. Here’s a list of some organizations you can support that empower women and give them opportunities to accomplish amazing things.