Celebrating Fathers: Father’s Day 2017

Here at Lifeway, we understand how hard it is to be a parent: juggling work, children, and a healthy lifestyle. That is why we create nutritious products that kids love and parents can feel good about. Moms get all the credit for their incredible balancing abilities – and they deserve it – but what about […]

Chef Tips: Breakfast On-The-Go

Today’s post and recipe comes from our friend Seamus Mullen, an award-winning chef, restaurateur, cookbook author, and leading authority in the conversation on food, health and wellness.


Life is busy. We never seem to have enough time: to cook, relax, or complete all the little errands that are constantly accumulating on our “to-do” lists. Eating a healthy breakfast is a small but effective way to set your day on the right track. Unfortunately, breakfast often ends up taking a backseat or is completely sacrificed because of our lack of time. While I may not be able to gift you extra hours in the day, I may be able to help you better organize your breakfast so you can spend less time in the kitchen and still have a filling and healthy meal.

Betabel Con Kéfir

Este colorido y saludable dip de betabel preparado con Lifeway Kéfir. Rico en vitamina C y fibra te sorprenderá y apasionará a todos los paladares. Ingredientes ½ taza de Plain Lifeway Kefir 1 pieza de betabel grande, pelado y picado ¼ de semillas de girasol 1 Cucharada de jugo de naranja 1diente de ajo picado Preparación 1. Combina […]

Son Dos, Prebioticos y Probioticos

Todo el mundo habla de los probióticos, esas enzimas y bacterias benéficas que ayudan a regular la digestión, fortalecer el sistema inmunológico y que te hacen sentir bien. Los prebióticos son otro componente igualmente importante de una dieta saludable. ¿Pero qué son exactamente?   Prebióticos + probióticos = a una persona saludable Los prebióticos, por […]

Aguacate Relleno de Pico De Gallo y Kéfir

La acidez del pico de gallo combina con el sabor cremoso del aguacate y kéfir en una manera perfecta para agregar sabor y probióticos. Es una receta fácil de hacer y está llena de sabor. tamaño de la porción: 4 Ingredientes 1 tomate cortado en cuadros pequeños ½ cebolla picada 1 cebolla verde picadas ½ pimiento jalapeño, sin […]

Horchata Con Kéfir

¡Prueba esta bebida clásica con los beneficios adicionales de nuestros kéfir! tamaño de la porción: 4 Ingredientes ½ taza de Plain Wholemilk Lifeway Kefir 1 taza de arroz blanco crudo 4 tazas de agua ½ taza de azúcar granulado (endulza con más azúcar, si lo deseas) 1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla 2 ramas de canela […]

What’s New at Lifeway!

We’ve been hard at work developing some amazing new ways to #LoveYourGuts! It’s perfect timing, too. The global probiotics market is expected to reach $57.4 billion by 2022. We’re excited to be at the forefront with our new lines of tasty, accessible, and nutritious products for the whole family. Check out what’s new below.   Introducing […]

Recipe Round-Up: Pi Day Edition

Celebrate Pi Day with our best recipes for pie-inspired kefir smoothie recipes and kefir-ized tarts! Check out our favorites below, then whip one up for yourself. After all, you deserve it! Wildberry Pie Smoothie   An immune-boosting tart and tangy smoothie with a luxurious blend of antioxidant-rich berries and probiotics. It’s a treat for Pi Day that your […]