Search Results for "protein kefir"

Cocoa Nutty Smoothie Bowl

Luscious and velvety, this Cocoa Nutty Smoothie bowl might taste like a sin but it’ll make you feel like a saint! Cover in your favorite toppings, like cocoa nibs, coconut flakes, and a drizzle of almond butter. We used Lifeway Vanilla Organic Whole Milk Kefir in this recipe which contains live cultures that support your […]

Chunky Monkey Overnight Oats

Supercharge your breakfast while you sleep with these Chunky Monkey Overnight Oats!  Chock-full of peanut butter, bananas, and probiotic-packed kefir, this easy-to-make snack or make-ahead breakfast is a great option if you’re looking for protein, probiotics, fiber, healthy fats, and fruit high in vitamins and minerals. Grab a spoon and reap the benefits! Cultured Dairy: […]

What’s New at Lifeway!

We’ve been hard at work developing some amazing new ways to #LoveYourGuts! It’s perfect timing, too. The global probiotics market is expected to reach $57.4 billion by 2022. We’re excited to be at the forefront with our new lines of tasty, accessible, and nutritious products for the whole family. Check out what’s new below.   Introducing […]

Chef Tips: How to Have an Easy Healthy Lunch

Life can get really busy this time of year. We all go head-first into the New Year with intentions to take better care of ourselves, lose that extra 10 pounds, or simply improve our health altogether. But too often the hectic game of life gets the better of us. A lot of people especially struggle to eat well at work. I’ve found that it’s easiest to stay on track with my health and nutrition by following these three guidelines.

6 Steps to Conquering Portion Control

Proper portion control saves money and time, improves digestion, and helps reach or maintain a healthy weight for all body types. It sounds simple in theory, but it can be difficult to execute – especially if you love to eat! Don’t worry, we’re here to simplify things for you! Take a look at our 6 tips and conquer portion control once and for all.

How to Meal Prep Your Way to a Healthier Diet

We know how it goes – you want to eat healthy but once lunchtime comes around it’s just more convenient to grab a quick burger. If you want to eat right every day, all you need are the right tools. When it comes to starting and maintaining a healthy balanced diet, preparation is truly the key to success. Devote an hour or two every weekend to prepare a week’s worth of meals and start your week with a healthy mindset.

7 Recipes for a Healthier Holiday

The holidays have officially arrived, so bring on the festivities! We know it’s easy to forgo a healthy diet as you rush around buying gifts, visiting loved ones, and indulging in your favorite seasonal treats. So, we’ve got you covered with some of our favorite, easy-to-make, probiotic-packed recipes to keep you healthy during all the holiday madness.

5 Tips For Working Out in the Cold

We know how difficult it can be to exercise when the weather gets cold and snowy – especially here in the Midwest. It’s hard to work up the motivation to stay fit when all you want to do is cuddle up in bed with a nice cup of hot chocolate. It’s important to stay active, […]